
I really love the idea of choosing a word as a kind of an intention for the year and I’ve been thinking it over for the last week or so and gone through several choices before I finally settled on one: well.

I think it encompasses exactly what I intended with my all of my other word choices and then some.

Of course, with my health struggles, I’ve already written about my physical wellness goals for 2018, working towards better health – as much as is possible – and a healthy weight. Sara and I were gifted Academy gift cards for Christmas and had a fabulous time picking out new workout clothes the other day to start our workouts next week (after I get over the plague that has struck me, of course – THAT couldn’t bypass me after Christmas). And I’m also restarting a combination of the Daniel Plan and a modified Whole 30 for the New Year.

As for mental wellness, my goals are the same I wrote about a few posts ago: two books per week, finishing my nutrition program in May, daily blog posts. But there is a plus one. I plan to start working on my book this year. It has long been a personal goal and it’s time to make it happen.

One Bible verse came to my mind when I chose my word:

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And, in this context, Jesus was referring to the woman’s physical healing, but I’ve said before that I believe sometimes God heals us in other ways, like spiritually. Though my physical struggles remain, He has sent me wonderful spiritual blessings that I am so grateful for.

So, for spiritual wellness, I will be working through the Jesus One Year Bible this year, and, of course, still joining my church fam and littles as usual, and participating in small groups each session.

I also love that well appears in one of my favorite hymns since I was a little girl:

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Another way to look at the word “well” is in the context of filling the wells of other people: giving to them, looking after them. Particularly as I’m still not able to work, this isn’t always in a material sense but in giving time, attention, prayers, and love. Even on super sick, in-bed days, I can write cards, pray, send texts. I want this year to be about a lot more of those things as well – pouring into my people. Filling their wells, helping them be well.

So, those are my thoughts on my Word for 2018 for now. I’m sure it will expand as I go.

I’m wondering if anyone has chosen one or is planning to?

I’ve also seen some people planning to choose a verse also or instead.

Comment if you like and share! I would love to know!

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Be well, everybody, and have a fabulous (and super safe) holiday weekend!

Grace and Blessings.

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